Sermons on Luke
Gifts and Leadership: Serving Together
(2 Cor 8:1-17 and Luke 10:1-11)
Gifts and Leadership: Discerning and Calling
(Acts 12:25-13:3, Luke 24:13-35)
On 23rd April 2023, Amy starts our new series on Gifts and Leadership.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Malachi 3:1-5,Luke 2:22-40)
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, marking the end of the Epiphany season, during which we remember all the different ways in which Jesus is revealed to us.
Christmas Sunday (Isaiah 61:10 to 62:3, Luke)
Christmas Sunday: Faithful action doesn’t have to depend on having clear answers to all our questions. […] Sometimes we have to say yes to God, when the way ahead is not clear. [RM]
Christmas Day – 2020
The Crucifixion (Luke 23:32-43,Joshua 24:14-28)
«Fear the Lord and serve Him!»
We all face moments when life isn’t quite what we expected it to be, when it doesn’t match up to our dreams. Yes, we should put our faith in God, but that’s not to say that we shouldn’t keep our zeal to “change the world” and encourage others to do the same.
Jesus meets The Roman Centurion (Luke 7:1-10,Micah 4:1-4)
People Jesus Met: The Roman Centurion. Today, we learn a lesson about how God can use those who don’t know Him to teach us about faith. Do we recognise Jesus’ authority? Are we emboldened by it enough to step out in faith and take action?
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (Hosea 2:19-23,Luke 7:36-50)
Jesus Meets Simon, the Pharisee. (Hosea 2:19-23, Luke 7:36-50)
Putting God first in our time (Luke 10:38-42)
Jesus Meets Mary and Martha: Putting God first in our time.
The Third Mark of Mission – Tend (Luke 4:16-21)
Today, we look at the third mark of mission – “Tend“ — responding to human need by loving service.