Trinity Sunday (Isaiah 6:1-8, John 3:1-17)

Trinity Sunday (Isaiah 6:1-8, John 3:1-17)

Christians have spent a lot of energy trying to understand how the God who makes it so clear that he is the only God nevertheless has three persons.  God, we say, is three persons in one being. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We say it, and yet we don’t really get it.  How can three be one while one is three?  To what extent is God one? And to what extent is he three?

In John 6:38, Jesus explained, “I have come down from heaven to do not my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”  […]

What is important is that we know we can have a relationship with the Father, a God of love, and that this relationship comes through God the Son, by the work of God the Spirit.

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