Lunch Club

Lunch Club

                 What is on in July

3rd   July           Chair- based exercise class         

17th July            Pub lunch at The Three Merry Lads

Lunch Club is open to anyone aged 60 or over who lives in the local area. It is a place where people can meet to chat, forge friendships and get some support when needed. We run every Wednesday between 11:00am and 1.45pm except 2 weeks over the Christmas period.

The cafe which consists of tea/coffee and biscuits being served starts from 11am till 12.30pm in the welcome area in church. Also there is an optional communion service at 12pm in main church for those who wish to attend.

Two course dinner and hot drinks are served at 12.30pm in the community hall which is around the side of  church. We have wheelchairs for the club members who require them and volunteers help to escort the members between the church and the bus and the church and the hall. We also hold a raffle (50p entry), a quiz and play bingo after dinner.

We have two buses to transport members from their homes to club and back home again. But you can book dial-a-ride a week in advance which is a door to door transport service also run by Sheffield Community Transport.

It is £3.50 for dinner, £1.50 for the bus, if you are on our bus rota.

If you book dial-a-ride you will need check the fee with them.

For more information please contact Brian Grayson  on 0114 266 8757

or Hannah Saunders at
