Annual meetings

Annual meetings

Our annual meetings take place on Sunday 5th May 2024.

There are two separate meetings, but in practice they roll together as one.

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners.  Anyone whose name is on the electoral roll, or who lives within the boundaries of the Parish and whose name is on the local government register of electors, is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. This meeting elects two churchwardens to serve for one year.

Churchwardens, along with Will, are responsible for the day to day functioning of the church. Their role includes, but is not limited to, looking after the fabric of the church buildings and also the smooth running of services.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Anyone whose name is on the electoral roll is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Here we hear a report on what has been happening at St Timothy’s in the previous year, have an opportunity to ask questions of church leaders, and  elect members of the PCC.

Members of the PCC are trustees of St Timothy’s and together make decisions to further the mission of the church.. This year there are six vacancies. Four vacancies for 3 years, one vacancy for 2 years, one vacancy for 1 year.

There are also two vacancies for Deanery Synod. Deanery synod reps represent St Tim’s at deanery synod meetings and also have a spot on PCC.

If you’re interested in standing for any of these positions (and are on the electoral roll) you can find the nomination forms on the notice board at the back of church by the creche. If you’d like to chat about what the roles are like, please contact the churchwardens Aidan (07515 945536 – or Jack (

Download the papers for the meeting using the buttons below: